+++ Coming soon: LIVE WEBINAR with RenderThat CTO. Julian Singer verstärkt RenderThat. +++
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Augmented Reality; Marketing for the ultimate user experience

Augmented Reality engages target groups in a unique way. It connects the customers real world with your digital product presentation, creating outstanding opportunities for your content marketing.


Your product becomes more accessible through Augmented Reality

Bring your product into the customers world, let them tailor it to their individual needs and visualise it right at home.

Nutzer betrachtet den digitalen Zwilling einer Inneneinrichtung in einer AR App von RenderThat.

Explain your product via Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is perfect for illustrating products in need of explanation, providing information about components or including instructions for use.

Nutzer verwendet Augmented Reality App für Service und Wartung auf seinem Tablet.
Shopping Experience

Augmented Reality increases your sales

Augmented Reality improves your customers' shopping experience by connecting your product to their imagination. AR is also proven to reduce returns.

Nutzerin betrachtet die Produkt Digitalisierung Ihrer Hand inklusive Rings via AR App von RenderThat.

Augmented Reality makes your product tangible

Augmented Reality can be mapped with modern smartphones. Your target group already has the portal to the digital world in their pocket.

Doepke Logo in Weiß
"RenderThat has been actively supporting us in the creation of product images and AR models for several years. Thanks to a clear batch processing solution, i.e. the interaction of 3D renderings and Photoshop batch exports, we can display our huge switch portfolio clearly and error-free. Even small text changes no longer require classic product photography"

Jochen Janssen

Doepke Schaltgeräte GmbH

Augmented Reality Marketing

The advantages of Augmented Reality at a glance

Through a digital device, Augmented Reality brings your digital product to the world of users.

Versatile Augmented Reality solutions for your marketing

Eine Person dreht das AR-Modell eines braunen Stuhls in einem Online Shop
Active support for the integration of AR models into your website
Nutzer verwendet eine AR App von RenderThat mit einem digitalen Zwilling eines Sessels.
All AR models in the right format for optimal use in your company
Die Kreativ-Talente des RenderThat Talent Network formen eine große, internationale Community mit viel Spaß an 3D-Design Aufgaben.
Personal advice and easy entry, especially for AR newcomers


Seit 2017 unterstützt RenderThat uns partnerschaftlich bei der schnelleren Content-Produktion mit reduzierter Logistik zu attraktiveren Preisen. Die Qualität der 3D-Renderings ist top und man erkennt keinen Unterschied zu echten Fotos.

Carolin Überacker

Product Manager, Recticel

beyerdynamic Logo in grau
Produktvideos, Animationen oder Freisteller mit hervorragender Qualität und coolen Perspektiven schon vor dem eigentlichen Verkauf nutzen zu können, bedeutet für uns eine klare Budget- und Zeitersparnis in der Vermarktung. RenderThat begleitet uns mit vollem Einsatz und einem hilfsbereiten, kompetenten Team.

Michael Böhringer

Product Marketing Manager, beyerdynamic

Carthago Logo in grau
Früher lag zwischen der Produktion eines Wohnmobils und der Veröffentlichung erster Produktbilder, eine große Zeitspanne. Heute haben wir mit 3D-Visualisierungen von RenderThat eine super Lösung gefunden, um schnell und flexibel an fotorealistisches Bildmaterial für unsere Kunden zu gelangen. Die Zusammenarbeit ist sehr professionell, die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit bei Anfragen ausgezeichnet und die Möglichkeit zur interaktiven Korrektur sehr einfach.

Irina Morent

Teamleiterin Design, Carthago Reisemobilbau

RenderThat unterstützt uns seit einigen Jahren tatkräftig bei der Erstellung von Produktbildern und AR-Modellen. Dank einer übersichtlichen Batch-Processing Lösung, d.h. dem Zusammenspiel von 3D-Renderings und Photoshop Batch-Exporten, können wir unser riesiges Schalter Portfolio übersichtlich und fehlerfrei darstellen. Auch kleine Textänderungen benötigen keine klassische Produktfotografie mehr.

Jochen Janssen

Leiter Digitalisierung, Doepke Schaltgeräte

View examples of our 3D visualizations

Frequently asked questions about Augmented Reality Marketing

Discover more, useful information about Augmented Reality.

How much does it cost to have AR models created?

The cost of AR models is mainly based on the complexity of your product. "Simple" products we can create almost automatically as AR models. "Complex" products, e.g. with large 3D data sets, require more work and are correspondingly more expensive.

How quickly can I get an AR model of my product?

As soon as our team has the necessary 3D data of your product, the working basis is created. Depending on the complexity of the product, the creation of the AR model takes from a few minutes to several hours. We can deliver the finished and ready-to-use AR model to you within a few days.

What file formats can be exported?

We build AR models for all common export formats such as GLB or USDZ. If you need a special format, our team will of course take it into account.

How do I get the AR model integrated into my store system?

You can easily integrate our AR models into all known CMS systems like Wordpress, Shopify or Webflow, but also into self-developed websites. We provide you with the files exactly as your store system requires. In addition, we help you with technical questions or with the coordination with your IT and can provide you with the necessary documentation.

What else can I do with AR models?

Facebook and Google Ads support Augmented Reality advertising formats to give your customers a particularly authentic experience even before they enter the online store. In this way, you can also increase the first visits to your product landing pages.

More unanswered questions?

We are happy to show you by mail or in a conversation how you can use Augmented Reality for your marketing in the best possible way.

Get to know our AR team

It is best to schedule an appointment with us directly. Other members of your team are of course also welcome (e.g. purchasing or IT).

RednerThat Teammitglied bei der Arbeit am PCRenderThat Teammitglieder beim Besprechen eines ProjektsRenderThat Team Mitglied in einer Telefonzelle im Hamburger Office